Thursday 4 January 2018


                             3.1.1 What is computer network???? 

          💗   Computer network is a collection of computers and devices that are connected together via communication devices an transmission media.

                                            APPLICATION OF NETWORK

  • Resources Sharing
              💻  Hardware
              💻  Software
  • Information Sharing
             💻 Easy accessibility from anywhere (files, database)
             💻Search capability (www)
  • Communication
            💻 Email
            💻 Message broadcast

                            COMMUNICATION DEVICE

             💗  A communication device is any type of hardware that are capable of transmitting the data, instruction and information between a sending device and a receiving device. 

    💮 Types of communication devices. 💮

👉 Dial up modem  ↣    can convert digital signals to analog signals and analog signals to digital                                              signals, so that data can travel along an analog telephone line.

👉 Digital modem   ↣  sends and receive data and information to and from digital line

👉 Wireless modem ↣  some mobile users have a wireless modem that uses the cell phone network to                                      connect to the internet wirelessly from a otebook computer, a smart phone, or                                        other mobile device. 

👉 Network card     ↣  enables a computer or device that does not have built in networking                                                      capability to access a network

👉 Wireless access point ↣ allows computer and devices to transfer data wirelessly among                                                             themselves or to transfer data wirelessly to a wired network.

👉 Router  ↣  connects multiple computers or other routers together and transmit data

👉 Switch ↣  similar to a hub but more sophisticated

👉 Hub  ↣  allows multuiple conections to the network.

                                                TRANSMISSION MEDIA
             💗  Materials or substances capable of carrying one or more signals in a         communication channel. 
             💗  There have two types of transmission media which is :-

⏰ Physical transmission media/guided media/wired 

                        📌  Physical transmission media/guide media/wired.
                             ⇛ (Twisted-pair cable, coaxial cable, fiber-optic cable)

⏰ wireless transmission media/unguided media/wireless 

                    📌 Wireless transmission media/unguided media/wireless.

                  ⇛ ( infrared, broadcast radio, cellular radio, microwave, communications satelite)

                        ADVANTAGES OF COMPUTER NETWORK

👍  Easy communicate and speed

              "  people can communicate efficiently by using email,video conference,chat                                  room,telephony and the others. "

👍 Ability to share files,data and information 
             "It benefit large organizations to maintain their data in an organized manner and                        facilitate access to desired people" 
👍Sharing hardware and sharing software 
             " It can reduce the cost of purchasing hardware and reduce the cost of buyer                                software" 


👎 Breakdown and loss resourses
                    " Breakdown whole network due to an issue of the server may lead to loss of                                  important data of the server "

👎 Expensive to build
                    " especially in large organization because it is needed to buy and replace cables                           and other hardware" 

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