Thursday 25 January 2018


                            WHAT IS IP ADDRESS???????

- IP address is a number that uniquely identifies each computer or device connected to the internet.

                             WHAT IS IP USAGE???

- A way to find specific server or computer on the internet or a network.
- provide identity to a computer in a network.
- identify for a particular device/machine on a particular network.
- allows transfers of files and e-mail.

                            WHAT IS IP STRUCTURE???

- IP adress consists of 4 groups of number and each separated by a period.
- The number in each group is between 0 and 255.
- Each group is 8 bits long.
- Commonly written in decimal
- Example ;-


CLASS A : for government/large companies
CLASS B : for medim companies
CLASS C : for small companies
CLASS D : for multicasting
CLASS E : for future use

                                                                       IPV 4

- consists of 32 bits 
                                                          - written in decimal numbers

                                               IPV 6

                                                        -  from 32 bits increased to 128 bits
                                                          - written in hexadecimal numbers

                                                             DOMAIN NAME 

                                                        - The text version of ip address.
                                        - first portion of ip address is to identifies the network.
                                            - last portion is to identifies the specific computer.


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