Thursday 4 January 2018


🍔 Be appreciative of what you have, it may not be the same in a year. thank all the people that have made my life what it is, even if it may have felt negative at the time it’s made me who I am today and helped me grow; and that is a true blessing. 😙💖

🍔 Dont care about what people say, treat people with kindness, don't hate someone for the way they are, apologize when you made a mistake, clarify things, open your mind.
I think i get what life is about 😊

🍔 Im ok. Im gonna be ok. Im gonna live a beautiful life and I’ll get to know beautiful people. I’ll love myself and I’ll be kind & I'll be ok.

🍔 Make good stories. The present is the youngest you’ll ever be again. There will come a day where you look back upon your life, and memories will be all you have left. Go make some.

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