Thursday 1 March 2018


                  INTERNET SERVICES

There have 6 types of internet services:

- world wide web (www)
- e-mail
- instant messaging
- message board
- VoIP

                                 world wide web (www) 

•The World Wide Web (WWW), or Web, consists of a worldwide collection of electronic documents.

•Each electronic document on the Web is called a Web page which can contain text,
 graphics, animation, audio, and video.
Some web pages are static (fixed); others are dynamic (changing).
Visitors to a static web page see all  the same content.
•Visitors to a dynamic web page, can customize some or all of the viewed content such as
  desired stock quotes, weather for a region or ticket availability for flights.

•The transmission of messages and files via a computer network
•An e-mail address is a unique name that consists of a user name and domain name that identifies the user.
Basic form of an email address is:
A user name is a unique combination of characters, such as letters of the alphabet and/or numbers, that identifies a specific user.
User name must be different from the other user names in the same domain.

                                              INSTANT MESSAGING

👉A real-time Internet communications service that notifies you when one or more people are online and allows you to exchange messages or files or join a private chat room with them.
👉Real time means that you and the people with whom you are conversing are online at the same time. 

                                VOICE OVER INTERNET PROTOCOL (VOIP)

👉Voice over Internet Protocol, a technology for making telephone calls over the Internet in which speech sounds are converted into binary data. 
👉To place an Internet telephone call, you need:
👉 high-speed Internet connection (such as DSL or Cable Modem),
                       -Internet telephone service,
                       - microphone or telephone
                       -internet telephone software or VoIP router.
👉VoIP services are also available on some mobile services that have wireless Internet service.

                                                           MESSAGE BOARD

→Type of discussion group.

→Many web sites use message boards because they are easier to use.

→Also known as discussion group, discussion forum and online forum.

→A general term for any online "bulletin board" where you can leave and expect to see responses to messages you have left. 

→A popular Web-based type of discussion group that does not require a newsreader

                                                        FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL

→ Is an Internet standard that permits file uploading and downloading with other
     computers on the Internet.
→ A standard for the exchange of program and data files across a network.
→ Uploading is the process of transferring documents, graphics and other objects from your
     computer to a server on the internet.
→ FTP is one method, users have to transfer webpages files from their local machine to the server. 
→ An FTP server is a computer that allows users to upload and/or download file using FTP.
→FileZilla is an FTP program for file uploading and downloading to and from your FTP site,
    server  or host.

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