Thursday 1 March 2018



Two types of search tools:

 SEARCH ENGINE    ⏩   find information related to a specific topic

SUBJECT DIRECTORY  ⏩  classifies web pages in an organized set of   (DIRECTORY SEARCH)    categories


➧ —Helpful in locating information for which you do not know an
  exact Web address or are not seeking a particular Web site. 
A program that searches documents for specified keywords and
  returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found.
Requires the users to enter a word or phrase, called search text
  or search query.
Each word of the search text is known as keyword.
 ➧Result of the search is called hits
 ➧Result from the search engine can be in the form of : 
 ✔web pages
 ✔video and etc
➧ Other techniques you can use to improve your searches include the following:
 Use specific nouns.
 Put the most important terms first in the search text.
 List all possible spellings, for example, email, e-mail.
 Before using a search engine, read its Help information.
 If the search is unsuccessful with one search engine, try another.


•Classifies Web pages in an organized set of categories such as sport or shopping and related subcategories.
A subject directory provides categorized lists of links arranged by subject
• When click on the category link, the subject directory displays a list of subcategory links
The disadvantage – users have difficulty deciding which categories to choose as the menus of links presented

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